Changing Home Care Package Providers - Everything You Should Know

Thinking about changing Home Care Package providers? This article will walk you through the entire process of switching to a new home care provider.

Haisey Home Care

Updated on: February 6, 2025

x min read
Changing Home Care Package Providers - Everything You Should Know


Your Home Care Package provider is responsible for making your life at home easier and more comfortable. 

But, in certain situations, you may reach a decision to change your package provider.

This can occur due to a number of factors. For example, you could be unhappy with the quality of care you're receiving, or you could just be moving to a new location. 

Whatever the reason may be, transitioning to a new home care provider requires careful planning and consideration.

If you're thinking about changing Home Care Package providers, this article is for you.

When You Should Change Your Home Care Package Provider

Finding the right provider who meets all your needs can be challenging. In some cases, you might not realise it's not the best fit until months later. 

Here are some examples of why you might want to change providers:

  1. Your current provider might be too expensive.
  2. Your care needs aren't being met.
  3. You are moving to a different location.

High Fees

The cost of home care services can vary among providers. They offer different hourly, daily, or weekly rates, care and package management fees, and other administrative fees.

According to the Australian Government and the Department of Health and Aged Care, all Home Care Package providers must follow pricing transparency requirements.

These requirements include:

  • Publishing their prices on My Aged Care
  • Providing their care recipients with pricing schemes
  • Keeping their prices up-to-date as necessary

This means that you can compare pricing tables of different package providers on My Aged Care. 

It's easier to access this information if you already have a provider. Your exact fees can only be determined once you enter into a Home Care Agreement.

Home Care Package providers typically charge for their services based on a fee-for-service model. This includes hourly rates. So, don't just look at the percentage, check the hourly rates as well. 

Once you figure out how much fees go out of your Home Care Package budget,  divide that number by the hourly rate for the required services. That's how many hours you will actually get. 

For example, the government subsidises $18,063.85 per year for Level 2 Home Care Packages. If you take that number and subtract:

  1. $3,070.85 per year for the care management fee
  2. $1,806.39 per year for the package management fee

You will end up with $13,186.61, which is the amount you can spend on your Home Care Package in one year.

Divide that number by $59 (which is the hourly personal care fee), and you will get about 223.5 hours of personal care.

Poor Quality of Care

You might also be thinking about changing providers if you're not happy with the care you're getting.

This can include issues such as:

  • Inconsistent or unreliable caregivers
  • Inadequate staff training
  • Lack of professionalism
  • Frequent care plan changes without proper communication
  • The provider might not offer the services you need

Every person has unique needs, preferences, and personalities. If there is a mismatch between you and the caregiver, it can lead to discomfort. 

If you aren't happy with the care you're receiving, try contacting your provider's complaints department. Perhaps the issue can be easily fixed. If the situation doesn't improve, you can start thinking about changing providers. 


The most common reason a person decides to transfer to a new Home Care Agreement is relocation. 

Home care providers typically have service areas or geographical boundaries within which they operate.

If you move to a new area or want to be closer to family or friends, you may need to switch to a provider that operates in that location.

You can use My Aged Care's "Find a Provider" tool. It will help you find the best providers in your area. 

How to Transfer Home Care Package Providers?

If you're not happy with your current provider, you are free to switch providers. This process might take a few months, so patience is paramount.

You can change providers in four simple steps:

  1. Notify your current provider that you want to change providers.
  2. Choose a new provider and sign up for their services.
  3. Transfer all your documents and your current care plan to the new provider.
  4. Set up a schedule with your new home care provider.

Check your Home Care Agreement so you know of any conditions that may apply.

How much notice you will give your current provider depends on their policy. 

Most providers require a notice period of at least 14 days. You can do it in writing via email or contact them directly.

Once you let your existing provider know that you're changing your Home Care Package provider, you must agree on a cessation date, until which you will keep receiving care

Until the cessation day comes and the information is processed, your old provider must pay for your unspent funds.

Keep in mind that the current provider doesn't receive a home care subsidy for the cessation day.

They must also give your new provider your referral code via My Aged Care. A referral code is also known as the reactivating home care services code.

From then on, the correspondence between the patient and their previous provider ends.

Any unspent funds should be transferred to the new provider no more than 70 days after the cessation day.

It goes without saying that you should decide who your new provider will be before officially agreeing on an end date with your old provider. This will streamline the entire process and prevent any complications.

What About Supplements?

Just like the client's unspent funds, their supplements will also be transferred to the new home care provider.

Your old provider will be required to transfer the following supplements:

  1. Dementia and cognition supplement
  2. Hardship supplement
  3. Veteran's supplement
  4. Top-up supplement

Keep in mind that the oxygen supplement and the enteral feeding supplement will not be automatically transferred to your new provider.

To receive these supplements, you are required to submit a new form to Services Australia.

When it comes to the viability supplement, it will only be transferred to your new provider if you stay in the same area. If you relocate, you will have to be reassessed again in order to keep receiving the viability supplement.

You must have proof of eligibility for all supplements you want to receive. Note that the supplements should be included in your individualised budget.

Fees Associated with Changing Providers

The fees associated with changing Home Care Package providers can vary depending on various factors such as:

  • The terms and conditions of the current provider
  • The new provider's policies
  • The specific circumstances surrounding the transfer

Both the current and new home care providers may charge administration fees for processing the transfer. 

These fees can cover the administrative tasks involved in transferring client records, developing a new care plan, and coordinating services with the new provider.

Home Care Package management fees are typically charged by the provider for overseeing the coordination and administration of the care package.

If you switch providers, the new care provider may have their own management fees that differ from the fees of the previous provider.

Providers used to charge exit fees for this specific reason, but they are no longer charged. 

How to Choose the Right Provider

Changing providers is a lengthy process that might take its toll on the elderly patient and their family.

That's why when you change home care providers, you should do research to find one that can meet all your needs.

You should receive the best care that offers value for money. That's why you need to consider the following factors when switching providers:

  1. Admin fees
  2. Hours of care provided
  3. Basic daily fees
  4. Special conditions

The first question to ask yourself is whether the care provider you've chosen offers the services you need. 

It's a good idea to look for a service provider with plenty of experience and a stellar reputation. It's important to mention that you shouldn't cancel your current provider until you find a new provider. 

But if this does happen, you have 56 calendar days to enter into a new home care agreement, or your Home Care Package will be withdrawn.

Budget is another significant aspect. You should be able to afford the new care provider.

You should be able to understand the provider's pricing structure, including any fees, charges, or other costs.

If you're looking to change providers, we've written a guide on How to choose a Home Care Package Provider so that you can feel confident in your choice.

Why Should You Consider Applying for Haisey Home Care

When searching for a new Home Care Package provider, you shouldn't have to compromise.

Unlike many providers, Haisey Home Care does not charge basic daily fees. Moreover, we offer a low rate for all our care services. More importantly, our trained staff offers quality care to all our clients.

We're focused on helping our patients receive the care they need to remain living independently in the comfort of their homes.

Haisey Home Care wants to make your life easier, so you and your family can rest assured knowing you're in good hands.

Contact us if you'd like to know more about our home care journey. 

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