Home Care Package
Provider Fees & Pricing

With Haisey, know that you're getting great value out of your homecare package. Get the care you deserve, tailored to your specific needs.

Low Competitive Fees
Dedicated Care Partner
$0 hidden fees
No daily charge

More help delivered to you from your Home Care Package.

Level 1

Yearly subsidy $10588.65

Hours of care

Basic Daily Fee

Exit Fee

Total Fee

Care Management Fee

Package Management Fee

Most providers


Haisey Home Care


Up to 91.08

hours of care per year

Up to 130.36

hours of care per year

May Charge





flat rate


low flat rate


per year


per year


per year


per year

Level 2

Yearly subsidy $18622.3

Hours of care

Basic Daily Fee

Exit Fee

Total Fee

Care Management Fee

Package Management Fee

Most providers


Haisey Home Care


Up to 159.75

hours of care per year

Up to 234.64

hours of care per year

May Charge





flat rate


low flat rate


per year


per year


per year


per year

Level 3

Yearly subsidy $40529.6

Hours of care

Basic Daily Fee

Exit Fee

Total Fee

Care Management Fee

Package Management Fee

Most providers


Haisey Home Care


Up to 348.49

hours of care per year

Up to 495.36

hours of care per year

May Charge





flat rate


low flat rate


per year


per year


per year


per year

Level 4

Yearly subsidy $61440.45

Hours of care

Basic Daily Fee

Exit Fee

Total Fee

Care Management Fee

Package Management Fee

Most providers


Haisey Home Care


Up to 528.3

hours of care per year

Up to 782.14

hours of care per year

May Charge





flat rate


low flat rate


per year


per year


per year


per year

More help delivered to you from your Home Care Package.

Hours of care
Basic Daily Fee
The government allows providers to ask for an additional contribution to go towards their Home Care Package. We do not charge this fee.
Total Fees
Care Management Fee
The amount charged to your package to manage, design, oversight and co-ordination of your care.
Package Management Fee
The amount charged to administer your package funds.
Level 1
Fortnightly subsidy $406.14*
Up to 5 hours of care per fortnight
low flat rate
$69.04 per fortnight
$40.61 per fortnight
Level 2
Fortnightly subsidy $714.28*
Up to 9 hours of care per fortnight
low flat rate
$121.43 per fortnight
$71.43 per fortnight
Level 3
Fortnightly subsidy $1554.56*
Up to 19 hours of care per fortnight
low flat rate
$264.28 per fortnight
$155.46 per fortnight
Level 4
Fortnightly subsidy $2356.62*
Up to 30 hours of care per fortnight
low flat rate
$400.63 per fortnight
$235.66 per fortnight
Hours of care
Basic Daily Fee
The government allows providers to ask for an additional contribution to go towards their Home Care Package. We do not charge this fee.
Exit Fee
Some providers may charge a fee when you exit or change providers. We do not charge this fee.
Total Fees
Care Management Fee
The amount charged to your package to manage, design, oversight and co-ordination of your care.
Package Management Fee
The amount charged to administer your package funds.
Level 1
Yearly subsidy $10588.65
Up to 130.36 hours of care per year
low flat rate
$1800.07 per year
$1058.87 per year
Level 2
Yearly subsidy $18622.3
Up to 234.64 hours of care per year
low flat rate
$3165.79 per year
$1862.23 per year
Level 3
Yearly subsidy $40529.6
Up to 495.36 hours of care per year
low flat rate
$6890.03 per year
$4052.96 per year
Level 4
Yearly subsidy $61440.45
Up to 782.14 hours of care per year
low flat rate
$10444.88 per year
$6144.05 per year
* If you are a part pensioner or self-funded retiree, you may need to pay an income tested fee. This is a fee that is assessed and set by the Commonwealth Government. We will send you an invoice each month, which shows you the amount of the income tested fee that you’ll need to pay.  

Schedule of fees

Personal Care
Standard Hours
$59.00 per hour
Non-Standard Hours Evenings
$79.50 per hour
Non-Standard Hours Saturdays
$79.50 per hour
Non-Standard Hours Sundays
$81.50 per hour
Non-Standard Hours Public Holidays
$129.50 per hour
Travel Cost to Visit Recipient (per km)
KM travel cost transporting Care recipients to appointments
Cleaning & Household Tasks
Standard Hours
$60.00 per hour
Non-Standard Hours Evenings
$65.50 per hour
Non-Standard Hours Saturdays
$84.00 per hour
Non-Standard Hours Sundays
$101.00 per hour
Non-Standard Hours Public Holidays
$126.00 per hour
Travel Cost to Visit Recipient (per km)
Registered Nurse
Standard Hours
$102.92 per hour
Non-Standard Hours Evenings
$108.67 per hour
Non-Standard Hours Saturdays
$135.00 per hour
Non-Standard Hours Sundays
$143.75 per hour
Non-Standard Hours
$135 per hour
Travel Cost to Visit Recipient (per km)
Light Gardening
Standard Hours - Most Common & Minimum
$60.00 per hour
Non Standard Hours
$70.00 per hour
Non Standard Hours Saturdays
$100.00 per hour
Non Standard Hours Sundays
$120.00 per hour
Non Standard Hours Public Holidays
$100 per hour