Can You Have a Home Care Package and NDIS at the Same Time?

Can you have a Home Care Package and NDIS at the same time? Read on to find out about the key differences between these two programs and whether you can apply for both. 

Haisey Home Care
November 7, 2023
x min read
Can You Have a Home Care Package and NDIS at the Same Time?


The Australian Government funds various care services for elderly people. This includes Home Care Packages (HCP) and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Both of these government-funded programs offer support to older people. They can also help younger people with special needs.

Home Care Packages are for elderly people who want to receive care at home. The NDIS is a program designed to help those with disabilities, older and younger.

But can you have a Home Care Package and NDIS at the same time? This is a common question many families want to know.

In this article, we'll talk about the key differences between HCPs and the NDIS.

What Is a Home Care Package?

Home Care Packages are aged care services funded by the government. They're made up of 4 levels, which include:

  1. Level 1 - basic care needs
  2. Level 2 - low-level care needs
  3. Level 3 - intermediate care needs
  4. Level 4 - high-level care needs

These care services are for elderly individuals who want to remain living at home. They don't have to move to a nursing home when they're too old to take care of themselves. Instead, they can sign up for a Home Care Package.

HCP are the perfect solution for those who need basic support. It could be with personal care or home maintenance. Anything the older person needs to live in the comfort of their own home.

Even though you can't choose your HCP level, you can choose your service provider.

More than 235,000 people in Australia receive care through a Home Care Package.

A Home Care Package can include the following care services:

  • Personal care
  • Domestic assistance
  • Social support
  • Meal preparation
  • Medication reminders
  • Respite care
  • Occupational therapy
  • Home modifications
  • Nursing care
  • Light housekeeping
  • Allied Health Services
  • Other specialist services

What Is the NDIS?

NDIS stands for "National Disability Insurance Scheme."

It's an Australian government initiative designed to support people with disabilities. Over 500,000 Australians receive the support they need from the NDIS.

To be eligible for the NDIS, you need to:

  • Be between 7 and 65 years old.
  • Be an Australian citizen or a permanent visa holder.
  • Have a disability caused by a permanent impairment.

Those who have a permanent disability can sign up for the NDIS. You can also apply for NDIS funding if you have a temporary disability.

The NDIS offers different types of services. These include therapies, assistive technology, personal care, and community participation activities.

The main goal of the NDIS is to improve the lives of people with disabilities. The NDIS lets them take part in social, economic, and community activities.

You can apply for an NDIS plan directly on their website.

What's the Difference Between HCPs and the NDIS?

Home Care Packages and the NDIS both offer some types of support services. Both of these programs are government-funded. But they're not the same.

The differences between these two programs include:

  1. Eligibility
  2. Funding
  3. The application process
  4. Services and support

The main difference is who they're meant for.

Home Care Packages are for elderly individuals who need help with daily tasks. These support services are for those who want to continue living at home as they age.

The NDIS is for people of all ages with disabilities. It provides a broader range of services to improve their independence.

Elderly individuals can apply for a Home Care Package. But NDIS participants must be younger than 65.

While both programs are government-funded, the funding is paid out differently.

The NDIS provides funding directly to the individual. It operates like an insurance scheme. 

Home Care Packages receive funding from the government as well. But this funding is paid out to the Home Care Package provider, not the care recipient.

The application process and services provided are also different.

The NDIS is not means-tested. To apply for a Home Care Package, you must go through an income assessment.

The NDIS provides more support to those with disabilities. HCP services are for elderly people who need help with everyday tasks.

Can You Apply for Both Programs?

In some cases, individuals can apply for both Home Care Packages and the NDIS. But this mainly depends on your age.

If you're 65 or older, you can apply for a Home Care Package. But you're no longer eligible for the NDIS.

Note that there are certain eligibility criteria for each program. Whether you can access both depends on your specific circumstances.

For example, let's say you're under the age of 65 and have a permanent and significant disability. If you meet the eligibility criteria for the NDIS, you can apply for NDIS support.

At the same time, if you are 65 years old and want to continue living independently at home, you can apply for a Home Care Package.

If you're a young person with a disability, you should try applying for the NDIS first. Home Care Packages should be considered a last resort if you're younger than 65.

Receive Care Through Haisey Home Care

Home Care Packages and the NDIS can both help those in need. But in the case of elderly patients, Home Care Packages are the better solution.

If you're looking for a reliable home care provider, look no further than Haisey Home Care. We offer the care and support you need to continue living independently at home.

If you want to know more about our services, feel free to contact us.

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